How We Are Defeated But Can Be Victorous (Part 2)
The second temptation of the Devil to the Lord Jesus, as narrated in Matthew 4:1-11, was specific to who he was as God’s Anointed. For the devil knew that he was the Messiah, the Son of God. The devil did not dispute this fact in suggesting this tactic. Rather he is trying to bait him into showing off his divine power to do something that no ordinary human being could possibly do! The devil wants Jesus to act in a way that defies the means and method of God’s work. The Lord’s response tells us what kind of attitude is proper and right for a human being to have: One of humble obedience to God while seeking to excel in living out one’s calling—for God as the sole audience. The devil does bring to us a parallel temptation to that of Christ when he suggests that we use any worldly means to use our talents or influence in order to win the applause of others or to make money for ourselves. The Lord saw right through this because he understood that we are not to “put the Lord your God t...