
Showing posts from March, 2017

Seed, Soils and Salvation

It is remarkable how easily I miss the profound and important truth that the Lord taught—even after much study. Perhaps this is simply my inattention (probably so) or perhaps my unwillingness to “pay close to” what I hear the Lord Jesus say (Mark 4:24). Regardless, the most excellent Shepard is kind and patient with us. Is it no wonder that he had to reprove his twelve disciples repeatedly for be so dull of mind? What an extraordinarily powerful act of God it is to awaken us to pay attention to his word, to actually heed the Gospel message and then for God the Spirit to grow the “seed” of truth up so that human beings can be transformed spiritually! I have been very familiar with the Lord’s parable which is generally called the “parable of the sower” (Mark 4:1-9) and have overlooked another in that same section of Mark—that of the “growth of the seed.” This realization came to me as I read a book which cites and attempts to elaborate on the meaning and significance of this parable...