The Value of Faith
The Lord of heaven and earth tests people to see if they have faith. This is one of the most obvious conclusions to draw from the biblical narratives. This testimony stands in sharp contrast to the remarkably strange notion we modern people have that somehow “good” people should be exempt from suffering and hardship. Perhaps this is a symptom of the advanced state of denial of reality within the minds of Americans or perhaps a demonstration of the sense of entitlement we Americans tend to have. I am not sure but I do know that it is a pervasive attitude. This tension between my stubborn will to make life conform to what I imagine to be good (that is, most convenient for me) and the actual constraints which physical needs, responsibilities and my own limitations place upon me was vividly illustrated to me recently. I got into a minor car accident. Thank God no one was injured. However, two things stood out in my mind about this incident—one was that I was at fault and two was that ...