The Surpassing Value of Loss
Perhaps the most effective means of learning the true value of people and things in life is to lose them. This can also be the most raw and emotionally painful experiences one can go through. Whether one loses a relationship because of repeated and foolish behavior or the brute fist of reality hits one without warning the net effect will be the same. Yours or my life will be permanently altered and what could have been possible in life and the development of relationships is permanently altered. The forms of life ending or life altering events are many: Death, divorce, illness, financial ruin, being victimized by those bent on evil for their own gain and the direct consequences of our choices to do foolish or evil things. No one is immune from trouble but we can learn to be wise and choose God’s way of life rather than the folly of idolatry. The history of the ancient Israelites is a case in point regarding this. Their persistent rebellion and idolatry brought down on them the cu...