
Showing posts from February, 2024

Daniel, Prophecy and a Sober Perspective of the "lawless one"

Comments on Text : Daniel 8 & Matthew 24:15-28 The vision granted to Daniel in the 6 th century BC is a glimpse into the “end of time”: As Gabriel said to him, “the vision is for the time of the end.” (8:17) This is a vitally important statement to keep in mind, not only as we attempt to interpret this specific vision within the book of Daniel but also the second section of Daniel (chapters 7-12). What the careful reader finds is that Daniel is given in the different visions something like short video clips or pictorial metaphorical representations of persons and events that will profoundly change and shape the history of the world—but in a time that he will not live to personally witness (see 8:26). The particular vision of chapter 8 prophecies the dominance of the Medo-Persian empire, and thus implies the downfall of the rule the Babylonians. (v.20) And then the scope of it reaches further to the downfall of the Medo-Persian empire and the mighty triumph of Alexander the G...