The Kingdom Heart and Task of an Apostle (Part 1)
Today there is a resurgence in some Protestant circles about the position and ministry of apostles. In some current Protestant circles today that emphasize the charismata (“spiritual gifts”) heavily one will find teaching asserting that the “five-fold” ministry of the Church needs to be restored. They will cite Ephesians 4:11: “He himself granted that some are apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, . . . ” (NRSVue) Some sociologists and historians who study Christianity in the modern period have designated this movement as part of the “third wave” of charismatic renewal movements in the Western world. I am all for people exercising the charismata, and for churches to have a genuine openness to the work of the Holy Spirit. But this movement needs to be noted because it unfortunately had deviated from biblical teaching and the historic practice of the Church. Thus I want to address this matt...