Christian Witchcraft
is a pernicious teaching in some segments of the Christian church which needs
to be named. This teaching goes by at least several different names: “Name and
Claim It” or “Faith Healing” or the “Prosperity Gospel”. To put it simply, the
substance of this teaching is this: If a person will have adequate faith in
God’s promises of blessing and abundance (almost always meant to be material
things or physical healing) then God is then required to grant that person
what he or she is asking for. If you doubt me watch some of the religious
television programs on cable sometime. Many (if not the majority) will teach
some version of this doctrine. This is nothing other than a form of witchcraft
dressed up rather shabbily in Christian terms.
This teaching presumes that there is
some way to impose upon God binding obligations so that he must give us what we
want. “I am believing God for a wife (and I already know who she is). She just
has not come to recognize it yet.” The presumption here is that what this man
has identified as both his need and his want God must also concur with him on!
And since God, after all, wants him to be blessed and happy then God must be
working to give this desire of his heart. Where is the fear of God in this attitude?
Where is real faith in this presumption? How does this longing (genuine) for a
wife and presumption that God must grant it assist such a man to have his own
character be conformed to the mind of Christ? Where is true submission to doing
God’s will?
The key point of practical theology
for this doctrine hinges on finding the correct (magic, if you will) formula:
If we can just identify the right form of belief, the correct terminology to
use in demanding things from God and do the right things behaviorally or in
religious ceremony then God will be obligated to do what we want. This is no
different than the idolatrous mindset of the ancient Israelites which the
prophets called out as outright rebellion against the living God covered up with
religious ceremony (for example, Amos 5:21-27). King Saul was reproved and had
his kingship revoked because of his disobedience and utter pretense of loyalty
to God as the anointed king of Israel (see 1 Samuel 13:8-14; 15:1-30). In fact,
after God had stopped speaking with him in any form (for he never repented of
his sin, which Samuel named in 1 Samuel 15:22-23) he took the formal step of
seeking a medium in order to talk to the (deceased) Samuel again (1 Samuel 28).
According to the Scriptures God is extraordinarily
patient and kind and will extend grace to people—regardless of what they have
done. However, God will not be mocked. His righteousness stands and as he is
holy he will eventually judge and act to intervene against those who are
committed to sin (in its various forms and manifestations). This is not only
shown in the Old Testament (for example, Hosea 10) but also in the New
Testament (see Revelation 18). To have genuine faith and love of God includes a
healthy fear (or reverence) of God and to steadfastly seek him so as to avoid
participating in evil practices that he hates. And God hates what destroys his
Jason, this is awesome!!! Amen, brother. Keep preaching the light and the truth, which reveals any darkness and allows God to heal.