The Value of Faith

The Lord of heaven and earth tests people to see if they have faith. This is one of the most obvious conclusions to draw from the biblical narratives. This testimony stands in sharp contrast to the remarkably strange notion we modern people have that somehow “good” people should be exempt from suffering and hardship. Perhaps this is a symptom of the advanced state of denial of reality within the minds of Americans or perhaps a demonstration of the sense of entitlement we Americans tend to have. I am not sure but I do know that it is a pervasive attitude.

This tension between my stubborn will to make life conform to what I imagine to be good (that is, most convenient for me) and the actual constraints which physical needs, responsibilities and my own limitations place upon me was vividly illustrated to me recently. I got into a minor car accident earlier this year. Thank God no one was injured. However, two things stood out in my mind about this incident—one was that I was at fault and two was that the car was deemed “totaled” as a result of the damage. So I no longer had a car—one that was reliable, useful and that I liked to drive.

I do realize that this is a silly example of hardship when compared with the horrendous suffering other people endure every day around the world. But I am not citing it because it is an especially terrible incident. If anything this circumstance should be classified as an annoyance for me—for I have the benefit of car insurance which will cover the costs associated with this incident. What I am more interested in—and I think God is focused upon—is how this incident tests my faith. How will I respond to this loss of “my car”? Will I be grateful to God through this circumstance? Or will I grumble and whine about losing an automobile which I had come to like? Will I see the hand of God in this experience and turn to trust him. 

As I so often find, William Gurnall’s insights are so poignant. And in this matter of the value of faith he has articulated the main point I am writing about quite well.
“Afflictions are a spade which God uses to dig into His people’s hearts to find the gold of faith. Not that He does not seek out the other graces also, but faith is the most precious of them all. Even when God delays and seems to withdraw His hand before coming with the mercy He promises, it is so that He can explore our faith.” (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, Vol. 3 [Banner of Truth Trust], p.34.)

This notion that God desires to explore human faith and that he values it more than any of his other gifts of grace is surprising for me. Yet I think this rings true. For what more is there in this life to sustain us but faith? Did not John the apostle affirm the value of faith?
“For the love of God is this, that we obey his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith. Who is it that conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”             (1 John 5:3-5, NRSV)

Is it not striking that it is not love but faith that “conquers the world”? Obviously faith is not unrelated to love in John’s mind, for he makes mention of love and faith together as he elaborates on the position and disposition of the believer as he or she lives in this world. While love characterizes one’s relationship to God and his commandments it is by means of faith that one conquers the world. And I notice as well that it is not the exercise of faith that conquers but it is that we have faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. That is, it is the faith of believers in a world hostile or indifferent (they are similar) to God that constitutes victory over the pervasive worldly system which is opposed to God’s rule in his own creation.

One of the most common objections lodged against Christian faith is the fact of hardship and suffering that people find that they must endure. Many people think this is an insurmountable problem; actually hardship and suffering are the normal means by which God works to build faith into people. The question that needs to be asked is this: “What do you want to do with this difficulty?” For that is far more important than any other consideration given that suffering and difficulty in life are inevitable and God utilizes them to test and refine faith. Or as Gurnall put it, to “explore our faith.”
This truth is confirmed in that the Lord himself was tested by what he suffered. His suffering effectively brought out his characteristic holiness, integrity and love. How he responded to what is for us unimaginable suffering revealed his character and the divine power at work through his purified humanity. Now how much more will be revealed about us, in our weakness and corruption due to sin, will be exposed? What will we then do in response to this knowledge? Will self-knowledge drive us to practice faith and show the power and love of God to others?

God values our faith because it reveals who we are—our intentions, our motives, our desires. In his grace the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see ourselves as we are so we will turn to press into the Lord Jesus by obedience and ask him to transform us day by day. This knowledge gives enlightenment by which we see how lacking we are in faith but also how readily God is to strengthen and grow our faith. It is those who refuse to grow up and let the Holy Spirit do his creative work in the inner person that will (in the end) discover that they did not have faith in God but in themselves. And that kind of faith is of no value to God or the person who makes such a profession (see James 2:14-26).

Authentic faith in the living God is valuable because it is the authentic expression of trust and love toward God who is faithful. In this way
“faith can see God in His greatness; and therefore nothing but faith can see the promises in their greatness because their value lies in the worth of Him who makes them. This is why [God’s] promises have so little effect on an unbelieving heart, either to keep it from sinning or to comfort it because of sin’s torment. Where there is faith to chase the promise, there the promise will give comfort and peace in abundance. It will be as sweet wine glowing with inward joy in the believer; but on an unbelieving heart the promise lies cold and ineffectual. It has no more effect on such a soul than medicine poured down a dead man’s throat.” (Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, Vol. 3, p.144)

When surveys are done year by year large majorities of Americans report that they are “Christian.” When I hear or read reports of these survey results I immediately ask myself, “What kind of faith do these people have?” God alone can see and pierce into people’s hearts but it is behavior that demonstrates faith. And it is especially during great trial or affliction that people’s character, habits and inclinations become clear. This is the decisive way to measure what people say. The Lord is shaking and will shake all that can be shaken. When the Lord comes and tries us who name his Name, will he find faith on the earth?   


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