Some writers and some lives are so God-filled that they are granted special insights and abilities by the living God. St. John of the Cross was one of those persons. I share a quote here that has helped me tremendously in different circumstances when I needed to understand what was happening with others--and particularly in different Christian communities. This is a recalled statement of John of the Cross, something he said in conversation and which was written down and preserved. The citation can be found in T he Complete Works of St. John of the Cross , Vol. 3, p.315) i leave this for the reader to ponder. “I sometimes heard him say that there is no lie so carefully devised and composed that, if we study it carefully, we cannot tell it in one way or in another to be a lie. Nor, he would say, is there any devil so completely transfigured as an angel of light as not to be recognizable if he be looked at carefully. Nor is there a...