
Some writers and some lives are so God-filled that they are granted special insights and abilities by the living God. St. John of the Cross was one of those persons. I share a quote here that has helped me tremendously in different circumstances when I needed to understand what was happening with others--and particularly in different Christian communities. 

This is a recalled statement of John of the Cross, something he said in conversation and which was written down and preserved. The citation can be found in The Complete Works of St. John of the Cross, Vol. 3, p.315) i leave this for the reader to ponder. 

 “I sometimes heard him say that there is no lie so carefully devised and composed that, if we study it carefully, we cannot tell it in one way or in another to be a lie.

 Nor, he would say, is there any devil so completely transfigured as an angel of light as not to be recognizable if he be looked at carefully. 

 Nor is there any hypocrite so artfully concealed and dissimulated that you cannot discover him after a few glances.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's good to read folks John of the Cross. I am not catholic, but I think we can learn a lot by reading those outside our group. You and I were discussing things on the Nerdy Theology Majors about the Billy Graham Rule and the woman reporter. I decided to look at your profile and it said to look at your blog. I think it's a great idea to read great stuff and blog about it. I wish you great success both in your personal development and in your blog. I know I need to read more than I do, so thanks for the encouragement. I wanted to say about the title of your blog "sarkakaiaima," that you say the phrase means "body and blood." I think more usually the word sarka means "flesh." The Greek word for body is soma (σωμα). Sorry if that is disruptive. Have a good day.

  3. Mark: Thanks very much for your comment. I am glad to have some communication with you outside of FB. Thanks for reading the blog. Your comment about my translation of "sarka" is correct, though sometimes it can refer in a general sense to the human body. Point taken and I have changed that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! As to discernment and reading widely, I think it is essential--it certainly is for me. I recommend reading John of the Cross is you want to learn more about the Christian traditions on meditation and contemplative prayer. Thanks again!


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