Usefulness of Good Theology, Part 2
Preachers and Christians
frequently speak of getting one’s “head knowledge” down into one’s heart. While
common this statement is quite misleading if not qualified—for really what is
required to know the truth is to receive truth into one’s heart by faith and
submit one’s mind to God. Obviously we all hear and process truth statements
about God, moral principles and foundational life choices through our
intellectual faculties. But it is in the heart (the inner person) where we
decide what to do with the truth we hear.
The mind is useful for
reflection and to organize the content of knowledge but not to discern or
decide the truthfulness of God’s revelation. The faculty of the mind, by
itself, is simply not capable of doing this. Those who think so are simply
fooling themselves and mistaking cognitive analysis for “independent” judgment
regarding the truthfulness of a statement about Reality. For the mind is servant
to the heart (that is, the seat of the will); to reverse this is to make one’s
intellect God. When a person has deified him or herself then naturally the
capacities of the self are thought to be entirely adequate to discern moral rightness
or wrongness and validity of claims about reality. But this is sheer
This is why one’s
theological views (whether they be crude, confused or refined and precise) flow
out of one’s life experience. The truest test of belief is behavior—for
behavior communicates the convictions of the heart (and thus the choices one
makes). Yet this very fact makes it that much more necessary for biblical
teaching to be clearly taught. For people need to hear the Gospel and engage
their wills and intellects to learn the principles from Scripture (the truth) in
order to know how to live righteously. Paul strongly emphasized to Timothy and
Titus (see his letters to them) that they must press upon their hearers’ “sound
doctrine”; that is, to plainly teach and make practical application of God’s Word
for the people they served.
The truth one finds in
the Scripture is addressed to the human heart (that is, to the human will). God
appeals, pleads, warns, promises, commands and invites us to hear and come near
to him. God speaks into our darkened minds, with the piercing light of truth,
to reach the will. And the human heart is desperately perverse and stubborn
(Jeremiah 17:9). Human beings are spiritually blinded because they choose sin
over the truth of knowing the living God.
The Lord Jesus said: “‘I
came into this world for judgement so that those who do not see may see, and
those who do see may become blind.’ Some of the Pharisees near him heard this
and said to him, ‘Surely we are not blind, are we?’ Jesus said to them, ‘If you
were blind, you would not have sin. But now that you say, ‘We see’, yours sin
remains.’” (John 9:39-41, NRSV) Those who prefer spiritual darkness love sin
and thus refuse to receive truth which Jesus speaks and embodies. Whether a
person is religious or not, or practices some kind of “spirituality” or is an
atheist, makes no difference regarding Jesus’ point. All such persons trust in
themselves and love their sin more than anything else or anyone else. Such is
the tragedy of the unredeemed human heart.
Thus the clear
proclamation of God’s word through teaching is extraordinarily useful in
people’s lives. How will anyone know about God if not taught? How can anyone
turn to the living God if not taught accurately? And the person with true faith
will fully utilize the intellect to engage and grow in spiritual knowledge and
wisdom. “You are good and do good; teach me your statutes.” (Psalm 119:68) And
again, “The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are
trustworthy. They [his precepts] are established for ever and ever, to be
performed with faithfulness and uprightness.” (Psalm 111:7-8, NRSV)
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