The Answer to Christian Witchcraft (Part 2)
Every heresy is built upon (or as it
were, around) some true affirmation about God. This is why religious groups
claiming the mantle of “true” or “restored” Christian faith can have such an
appeal. For they appeal directly to the Bible or some teaching of Jesus Christ
but twist or contort the truth to fit into the warped contours of their own
theology assumptions. (For example, every one of the heresies which the
leadership of the Church dealt with, through Church councils, demonstrates this
phenomena. (Indeed, case studies can also easily be done on Mormonism,
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islam, and many other lesser known religious
movements/groups.) The apostle Peter was right to warn the Church of all
generations about those who “twist” (Greek: Literally “strangle”) the meaning
of the Scriptures. (2 Peter 3:16) to make it appear to affirm what they
I would propose is the case in our generation in America. We are obsessed with
power and gaining tools by which to secure our own prosperity. If we are going
to be honest, we must admit that most of us in Christian circles highly value
our own security (usually understand in materialistic terms) and preserving the
right to exercise our will in most matters of this life. God can have a
significant part of our lives but far too many Christian people quietly retain
the right to self-determination even in relationship to God. This is called in
Scripture “pride” or “haughtiness.”
A.W. Tozer, somewhere in
one his books, wrote insightfully of the propensity of the flesh to try to act
spiritual. He was so right! This impulse of American Christians in particular
to preserve self-will in spirituality is nothing more than a sin-filled self
trying to exercise spiritual power and authority. I would begin to reference
biblical references highlighting how much of an insult this attitude is to God
but they would fill up a page! Two immediately come to mind: The Lord Jesus’
story of two sons (Matthew 21:28-32; note the full context [21:1-45]
illustrates the core of sin of the Jewish religious leaders) and Paul’s
extended exhortation to the Corinthian believers (1 Corinthians 1-3).
How subtle is the demons’
lies to us about spirituality! For the central claim to spiritual power of the teachers
and practitioners of what I have called “Christian witchcraft” do indeed pick
up the truth of what the Lord taught. He plainly taught the disciples that they
could, if they have “faith”, ask in prayer and receive the authority to wither
fig trees and even move “mountains.” (See Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14,
20-25) Assuredly, our Lord meant for us to exercise God’s power for good in
service to him—to the benefit of other people. For he plainly promised those
who genuinely knew and walked in faith through him spiritual insight, wisdom and
power to do the works he did and even more (see John 14:12-14).
The key to a right
understanding and experiencing the reality of this promise lie in the
qualifications the Lord gave (see Mark 11:25). In order to exercise spiritual
power, as the Lord himself did when he lived on earth as we do now, we must
forgive others. We cannot hold grudges against others and expect God to answer
our bold (or just desperate?) prayers.
Do not the Lord’s words
here echo passage after passage from Scripture? Does not God require from
people a “clean heart” and “clean hands” (see Psalm 15)? Does not James warn about
the empty boasting of those who claim faith but do not show corresponding good
deeds? (see James 2:14-26; 4:13-17) Did not the Lord warn that there would be
some who would claim that they had done great miracles in his name but that he
never knew them? And that such persons were in their hearts “lawless”? (see Matthew
May God keep me from such
a terrible end! May God, who is faithful, awaken God’s people in America so
they can recognize and repent of secret sins of the heart! For truly to God the
Father “all hearts are open, all desires are known and nothing is hid.” (Book
of Common Prayer) May God convince us not to hide any longer so we can be
healed and cleansed by the power of the blood of Christ. Then we will be an
army of the righteous who act from genuine faith and can legitimately exercise the
power of God in the Spirit.
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