The Fathering of God, Part 3
I am quite a fan of the movies and television series based on the original Star Trek television series. There is one fictional character from the series Star Trek Voyager who I think gives a powerful metaphor for understanding God’s purpose for human maturation and what that process requires and leads to. Follow me here as I explain why I think it is so helpful.
In the television series Voyager (season 4) a new character is introduced who becomes part of the crew of this space ship. This character is part of the Borg “collective” and gets severed from her grouping of “Borg.” The “Borg” are individuals who have been assimilated, through a process of having advanced technology implanted into their bodies, into one collective consciousness. They become drones who serve only the tyrannical will of the “Borg Collective” (the “Hive Mind”) in its drive to assimilate, utilize and in the process destroy all individuality from the organic life forms they encounter. This character learns how to be an individual—to think, to feel, to be alone and then to develop relationships with other people.
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